I've finally been taking baby steps in learning to crochet. These teeny ice skate ornaments were favorited on Ravelry by crocheting friend Jan, and as I had a supply of jumbo paperclips I went for it and made several pairs. Hooray, they look like what they are supposed to look like!
Not so much my first attempt at a granny 'square', which ended up with a few more corners than your typical square. And this was labeled Beginner. There is another square in the book that is more of a Beginner's Beginner, so I'll try that before tackling this sucker again.
Well done, I love your skates! Good luck with the granny square. I know Craftsy has a good tutorial here:https://www.craftsy.com/blog/2015/01/how-to-crochet-granny-squares/
Learning new things makes new pathways in your brain, and I can see you have an enthusiastic helper and model!!
Posted by: 2paw | December 29, 2017 at 05:00 AM
Look at those teeny tiny skates! What dexterity. Loved the wedding photos in the last post. Nice to see long term marriages.
Posted by: Dorothy | January 07, 2018 at 12:00 AM